Friday, March 4, 2011


It has been a pretty shitty week. For my older followers, you might remember i had the flu a few weeks ago, and that had me on quarantine for about 12 days, meaning i missed about two weeks of class. Well i came back, spoke with my teachers and got all the missing work/readings. I wish catching up were that easy. After i came back i had about a week before there were two exams in two different classes, so i had to catch up on two weeks of old material and learn one week of new material. i tried, and then took the exams. I got them back this week and i bombed them both. i dont feel bad though, its like the circuit breaker of stress in my head flipped due to the overload. maybe i will snap back to reality and will feel shitty, but until then, i think im good.
                                                      TL;DR : shit hit the fan


  1. D:
    Thats probably less than fortunate for you. I wish you good luck in your studies :<

  2. I think you'll be alright, tests aint nothing but a thang.

  3. It sucks getting behind in class because of sick days, but you aced the test and that's all that matters :D

  4. Catching up after being sick is always the worst. At least spring break is coming up, right?

  5. Sorry to hear. I don't miss school for a second. I can drink beer and party my ass off at so many other places than a cramped dorm room.

    Hope things pick up.

  6. Those sorts of things tend to stack up quickly don't they? At least you're good 'til reality kicks back in. =D

  7. wow that fucking blows. luckily i have trained my body to not get sick until school is over so once the semester ends, my body just tanks and i would be out of commission for about 3 weeks

  8. ride that shit for as long as you can bro. honey badger don't give a shit. always remember that. following.

  9. Feels bad man, i remember when once i got an exam and for the first time in my life I DIDNT KNOW ANY FREAKING ANSWER!!! that was the low point of my life, well that and a few other stuff... but shit feels bad man

  10. Ahh I hope your week gets better!

  11. sorry that shit hit the fan. hopefully its a metal fan and it can be hosed off.

  12. yeah i know exactly how you feel, i didn't go to school last week either, but i tried to just read and get the work done at home - alot harder.

    it was nice to have off a week -_-

  13. Sucks about the tests but at least you're ok with it. I think I would be too.

  14. just wait tell you are working full time and come down with something. Catching up on real work is a bitch.

  15. Best of luck man, I know falling behind in school can be a tough thing to catch up on.

  16. Fuck dude... well, everyone has a period like that at some point, just know you can come out of it once nature stops trying to fuck you so badly. Good luck!

  17. eeessssssh man, that sucks. I used to drag myself to class even when I was dying just to avoid getting swamped with back work. good luck.

  18. as long as they're not finals there is always time to catch up...:)

  19. Hope it gets better for ya! Followed!

  20. Oh man that sucks. If its possible try to email them even if your sick. It will show them that you care

  21. Ick sounds pretty shitty, hope you can get back on track.

  22. i know how that is..been there and did good i use to say theres more next year..

  23. Really sorry to hear about that. I hope you don't start feeling too shitty about it, it's not really your fault that you were sick and stuff.

  24. damn that sucks. hope you will be good again in some days. keep yo head up!!

  25. Studying might be difficult sometimes. :/

  26. i know how you feel man. I was there too. I follow you now to support ...

  27. I can understand what you are saying, I sometimes feel the same...

  28. In 5th grade, I went to disneyworld and came back and had no makeup work. My teacher pretty much just said fuck it! I came brix.

  29. catching up always sucks, remember u need sleep more than u need to cram
    Soma Shank Tank

  30. i feel you man! things are always so overwhlming just keep your head up you will do fine!

  31. Bah that blows, feel better sonn!

  32. following n $upporting

  33. that's a bummer, mate. hope everything gets better.

  34. I hope it gets better for you!
