Wednesday, March 23, 2011

extended vacation

In response to my last post, that was a quote from the Narrator of the movie "the Sandlot". Kudos to you who caught it, and for the ones who didn't: check out that movie, it is a childhood classic and still kicks ass today.

I must apologize for my absence lately, i had a lot going on in my personal life. I recently decided to add a second major. Not a big deal, but 20 credit hours shy from my current degree, i feel like it took a lot of thought. Clearly i am too deep to just abandon it, so instead i added another one.  My expectations of the research field i wanted to go into are just much different than the reality; so i decided it smarter to inconvenience myself for two more years and get two bachelors.

My dad put it best when he said "Better to find out now you weren't gonna be happy, than when you are 30, hate your dead-end job and have a kid and a knocked-up wife to support" Whether he is speaking from personal experience or not is up for debate....

I'll follow up with part 2 of my self-indulgent pity party in a few days.......


  1. Your father is a wise man indeed, best of luck my friend

  2. I almost did that, but decided I was too burnt-out after 17 straight years of school and bailed with only one Bachelor's degree.

  3. Good luck with the second major man :)

  4. it's true, do it now before it's too late and you're stuck in a dead end job. just don't quite or before you know it it you'll be in school for 10 years

  5. I hope your Dad was speaking in general terms.

  6. "Better to find out now you weren't gonna be happy, than when you are 30, hate your dead-end job and have a kid and a knocked-up wife to support" <---haha so true.

  7. A good choice, I'll be getting a double degree too. My dad would never say something like that, I think he's pretty satisfied.

  8. Sandlot 4life. haha. What are your two majors?
    I majored in History and have done absolutely jack with my degree.

  9. Good luck with your studies :)

  10. good luck with your second major man!

  11. sounds like you've made the right decision

  12. good for you, another major is awesome

  13. So now you'll be 35, hate your dead-end job, and have a kid and knocked up wife to support along with even more debt to make it more fun.


    your'll get the best job ever and knock-up a supermodel who will support you so you only have to work if and when you want to. It could go either way.

  14. this blog is great!
    i follow!

  15. Oh course the downside is the constant contact you end up with, with Sallie Mae loan services lol. Can't wait for part 2, check me out sometime -

  16. Wise words from your dad, haha.
