Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Next Episode Episode Episode Episode........

Well the job i had been working at for the past four and half years finally went belly up, and now i am out of a job. Not the end of the world, since it was just part time and i still am a student, but it still sucks. In addition to looking for a new part time job, i was thinking about investing and growing my personal savings (i managed to save a pretty decent chunk o' change from my old job) The only problem is, i dont know shit about doing that. Does anyone know where i could start my quest to learn how to work something like that,  have some advice, anything? Or would it be in my best interest to forget about it? i look forward to see what input everyone has.  Even general tips for building my personal wealth would be valuable.. thanks everyone!


  1. Hello man !!!

    Nice post!!

    I wait on my blog $upporting!!

    nice weekend BRO!!

  2. I feel for you. I was laid off after 4 and a half years...

  3. sorry bro about your job
    supporting and $uported

  4. that sucks man, good luck finding another

  5. Although my expertise lies elsewhere, I invest a large portion of my money in Rogers Sugar Income Fund. It pays an awesome dividend, and the trends are pretty damn predictable. It's worth checking out.

  6. Ooooh, well you could get a few bucks from ze internet but it is time consuming :/ tbh, the easiest way is to get another part time job hahahaa

  7. Sorry to hear about your job, glad you saved some money tho!

  8. I'm about to be out of a job too :( Not sure what to do next either. Keep up the good posts!

  9. unless you have a substantial savings like $10000+ that you are willing to tie up and not spend any of for some time, dont bother. If you come up with an emergency and you need the may not be profitable.

  10. Investing is usually a good idea. The real question is, what will you invest in. I'd consider myself a small time stock trader. It's not guaranteed to make you rich, but if you play the cards right and know how stocks work it's usually a good investment. :)
    Best of luck to ya. :)

  11. good luck for your future decisions :)

  12. Don't worry man, you will bounce back better than before. Just tough it out with less things for a while. I guess what you could do is save on food. Like cook your meals at home, and no movie nights for a couple of months. Simple stuff. There are a lot of free trial offers on the net that you can look into to save money and to pass the time with. I know Eve Online has a 14 day free trial for example.

  13. CDs from the bank won't make you rich, but they're a safe safe bet and can get you a decent investment

  14. is there an echo in here or is it just me?!

  15. depends on how active you are planning on being. can always invest in some government bonds or CDs with the highest interest. day trading if you're more active. i think there are some currency trading guides out there

  16. no clue man, but either way im here showing my support u'll come with some idea!


  17. Well if your capital is larger then 10.000 euro's then you can go and invest half and save the other half, and watch your capital grow (slowly), But having less then that its better to put it on a piggybank and search for a new job...

  18. Well do you have a savings account and a checking account or just one. I would suggest having both. What I do is I deposit all of my money to my checking, and have it transfer around $300 a month to my savings, since I get paid monthly. Also ask your bank if they have any savings programs, for instance when you use your debit card and you don't end up with a whole dollar amount it will round up and put the rest into your savings. Just little things like that. Hope this is of some help to you. Good luck!

  19. i would recommend the stock market. put a small amount of money in to something you think might grow. i had stock in south western bell before ATT took it over. i guess i just got lucky.

  20. Start investing, it'll save you a lot of time.

  21. Well good luck. The only advice I have is to check out the stock market. The US stocks are starting to turn around.

  22. Im the worst at saving money... good luck man!

  23. Saving money is such a useful skill

  24. good luck finding another job,and don't ever give up!

  25. Man i feel for you , but good luck in saving (Y)


  26. i'm in the same boat mate, good luck with that, at least you have savings ;D

  27. isn't that what investment brokers are for?

  28. This is what I do:
    - Transfer $5 a day to my savings automatically
    - Invest $400 a month into my Roth IRA
    - Save money where possible
    - ????
    - Profit!

  29. You could get a brokerage account if your willing to toss in like $2,000-$10,000. You would just leave that alone for a few years and you should be able to make a good bit of money.

  30. could do with a job, as i can't save money for anything

  31. Urgh, that sucks. Hope it goes well for you!

  32. You should check out the financial forum on fatwallet.

  33. Sorry to hear about your job.. my friend is using e-trade right now and doing alright. He's still learning and making mistakes but invest a little at first and see how it goes! New follower man!

    Follow me at

  34. there are a few bloggers blogging about that.

  35. I wish you luck, I've been out of the job for a while too..Job market is tough these day. Hopefully you have good connection.

  36. Invest it in you, like study some more now that you have the time and build yourself a nice resumee.

  37. goodluck man. Hope you can find a job soon. following.

    check out my blog if you like gaming.
